Our Programs


Yaqeen has developed 3 core programs to achieve our mission & objectives:


At Yaqeen, we believe every child has the right to education. We launched the Performance-Based Scholarship to test an innovative strategy to increase the financial support available to low-income students and to create an incentive for such students to complete their courses and make more timely progress toward future objectives.


Yaqeen strives to provide evidence-based health interventions that produce tangible improvements to the community’s wellbeing and to remove barriers to health so that the community and those who have no access to health facilities can reach their full potential as agents of change in their community. This is our main aim of coming up with Help Heal program: to tackle issues related to health in an impoverished community.


Yaqeen launched the “Help Home Program” as a strategy to develop and implement humane, cost-effective solutions to those suffering in extreme poverty and lack of opportunities in our community, the homeless, those without food, widows in the villages without help, and those lacking any means to earn a living. We recognize the fact that by helping these people, we stop the potential number of these people who may result to committing social vices in order to survive, thereby building a better nation.


Help Educate

  • Identify student students from rural areas with exceptional performance in high school and provide yearly scholarship for higher education in Universities.

Help Heal

  • Focus on establishing the first primary health clinic “Aisha Memorial Health Clinic”.
  • Provide primary health services and easy referrals to tertiary care centers as indicated.
  • Launch program for a consulting clinics from metropolitan cities and overseas physicians.

Help Home

  • Identify families which need the most help.
  • Launch program to provide free meals for homeless and deserving at the main office.
  • New job opportunities for young men and women lacking opportunities to be gainfully employed.
  • Permanent source of income to women without a source of income.